Financing Internet Homeschooling…

When people talk about teaching their children from home in the absence of any definite or structured curriculum, it is perhaps natural to think that internet homeschooling is cheap. But this is far from the truth. Although internet homeschooling does not stick to any particular text, this is perhaps more of a bane than a boon, when it comes to finance.

When you need to make sure that your children receives state-of-the-art education so that they can compete with regular school goers, expenses will naturally mount. The actual cost of educating a child at home is surprisingly high. Up-to-date textbooks, course materials, a library, computing equipment, lighting, specially designed furniture all cost money. In this case, the cost may be slightly lesser when it comes to Internet homeschooling the second child. Add to this any additional tuition cost for tutors who come to teach subjects that cannot be handled by parents, like higher-level math or science. The total cost can be a bit mind boggling.

If you take another important factor into consideration, internet homeschooling costs may effectively triple. The need for having one of the parents tied to the house and fully dedicated to providing the foundation for a good internet homeschooling education deprives the family of a second earning member. The average internet homeschooling teacher is usually a lady with a college degree. This means that she can easily bring home a pay of $35,000 or more. It is also interesting to note that most families that have more than 2 children do not opt for internet homeschooling at all.

But, there are those who have been successful in carrying out internet homeschooling at low rates. This is dependent on the size of the family, the support group, the type of materials used and the availability of the material. When successive children can reuse the materials, cost goes down. Much of the course material can be purchased from vendors of internet homeschooling materials or from other internet homeschooling families whose children have graduated. A membership in a public library, theater, concerts, ballets and other cultural events also help in cutting costs. Sometimes, it is even possible
to barter expertise. For instance, the mother of an 8-year old gives dancing classes, and her daughter receives drawing classes for free. Support groups allow you to divide the cost of field trips, science projects and fairs.

Whatever the cost, advocates of internet homeschooling say that the benefits far outweigh these considerations. When you are able to decide what knowledge your child receives and when he or she should be taught and to what extent, it gives you a lot of freedom and a lot of power. Both the children as well as the parents benefit from this mutually enriching experience.

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Preparing High school Homeschoolers to be a Real Estate Specialist

High school homeschoolers have a fantastic future ahead of them and with a gentle hand homeschooling moms can guide them in the direction that their hearts lead them. A gentle hand can use some of the articles I have published for homeschoolers to let their high school homeschoolers hearts dream a dream that can come true: Homeschooling Frederick Douglass, Homeschooling Creative Writers, Homeschooling Astronomers and a few more.

This particular article will briefly address the globetrotter in your homeschooler’s family, we all have one – always looking at maps of the world, Geography channel may also give them away and then there’s National Geographic.

If your homeschooling globetrotter is also interested in where people live in different neighborhoods, cities, parts of the country or the world, then this particular homeschooler has the potential of becoming a real estate specialist!

Look for more signs in your potential real estate specialist, like easily able to make new friends – great networking skill, keeping in contact with old friends – essential skill for following up with clients, a sponge in absorbing new knowledge – critical to keeping up-to-date in real estate and many other good signs.

Try increasing your potential real estate specialist’s vocabulary with real estate terms, see if their interested. Make note if they see for sale signs and repeatedly ask why, there are tons of other ways to notice a focused interest in real estate and getting them prepared early will make your homeschooling entrepreneurs a blazing success!

Teaching Internet Homeschooling Students 3 ways to Using Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Achieve Their Goal Setting efforts

Internet homeschooling parent’s most awesome challenge is shaping the day-to-day behaviors of our homeschooled children, helping them to maneuver through a goal-oriented world. The good news is training highschool homeschooled students to complete their goal setting efforts may be easier than previously imagined. By guiding African American homeschooled students through meditating on and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, they will be better equipped to change their thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change their lives. As an Internet homeschooling parent, the question should be – do I train up a child in the way they should go? There are a lot of highschool homeschooling parent’s hands in the air, so the answer must be a resounding – YES!

Here’s how it’s done.

If our internet homeschooled children believe something to be easy, like the goal of getting to school on time (never ceases to amaze me how children get up at 10 ’til 8 and brush their teeth, wash their face, change clothes and eat breakfast in less than 10 minutes), they may find a few hurdles in accomplishing it. However, if our highschool homeschooled children imagine something to be difficult to accomplish, like the goal of finishing their math homework before their favorite television show comes on, then their struggle becomes more apparent. In fact, if any internet homeschooled students imagine that it is difficult to change a specific behavior or achieve a goal, then they will always find the hurdles that will justify that belief.

Let’s step back for a minute, should highschool homeschooled children be taught how to navigate a goal-oriented life? Would tools for goal setting give internet homeschooled students an advantage or disadvantage? These answers can be found in next month’s articles…

Now, moving forward let’s take this for example. One of our homeschoolers wakes up one morning and decides that:

“This is the day I start learning how to play online chess and prepare for the local homeschoolers spelling bee. When things get difficult, I will not keep delaying the goals set to learn chess strategies or increase my vocabulary, but instead I will concentrate on something else to keep my mind focused. It’ll be tough at first, but I’m going to give it a try.”

If children continue with these thought patterns and beliefs, they shouldn’t be surprised to find themselves struggling more often than not. Why?

As they say – the proof is in the pudding, where we find a couple of thought patterns and beliefs already in place to block goal setting success. An internet homeschooler has determined to do something good for themselves, which changes into a disservice for themselves by choosing certain negative thought patterns, beliefs and the words that go along with it.

The plan has been laid out and says,

“When things get difficult….”
(This is already assuming that there will be difficult moments! Goal setting stumbling block number one!)

“It’ll be tough at first…”
(This is already assuming it will be difficult at first! Goal setting stumbling block number two!)

“…but I’m going to give it a try.”
(Remember the movie “Star Wars”…” “Do or do not… there is no try.” – Yoda. Goal setting stumbling block number three!)

Now there are thousands of ways for goal setting and achieving goals for any homeschool project. Some, if not all of them, may work for various students at various stages of their goal setting journey. But for many homeschooled African American students who have convinced themselves that achieving a goal is difficult, some options for goal setting may fall short when our thought patterns – homeschooling parents may call them habits – are stronger than our desire to change.

Here is something that can be done to change a behavior(habit) that is no longer desired.

First, any homeschooling student must realize that changing our habits to a new way of thinking about goal setting will replace old thought patterns no longer working for them. Our thoughts are like little tiny pictures projected into our minds of how goal setting was supposed to accomplish small things. If any homeschooled African American students no longer wants these pictures or thought patterns to be a part of their life, then a conscious decision to change thought patterns and beliefs that would be easier to think about towards a positive outlook must be enforced.

For example: choose this thought,

“Goal setting is easier than I thought.”

It may sound a little weak, and may not be ideal for everyone – but sometimes taking baby steps is better when it comes to digging deeper.

Secondly, chose a word that is related to focus on positive thoughts for each day, week or month to help in accomplishing any goal (Start with just a day, or just an hour for that matter. Keep it simple.) The word my African American homeschooling students chose needed to be in relation to the change needed to be made. For example, they chose the word “BELIEVE”, accepting my suggestion of what they needed to think about most of time; focusing more on their beliefs towards goal setting. Choose any word as long as it relates to your situation. (Focus, Energy, Action, Believe…)

Following that, we scoured the Internet for motivational and inspirational quotes that resonated with them that related to the specific word chosen. Quotes that could be easily remembered, especially ones that really spoke to what needed to be accomplished.

But here’s the most important part.

What most internet homeschooling students need are quotes that are powerful enough to change thought patterns the moment they are read aloud. Quotes that REALLY digg deeper whenever their eyes fall upon them. Quotes that force anyone to pause and think for a moment. Quotes that have that extra “edge” to make the mind say, “Yes. This is one.”

These are all signs of a quote that can hold power for homeschooled African American students. Try changing your “beliefs” by using the following quotes.

“I don’t know who my grandfather was; I’m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” Abraham Lincoln

“Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” William Arthur Ward

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” Confucius

In fact, there are hundreds of quotes that can be resorted to from time to time, but these three should grab the attention. They spoke of who each homeschooler was, what homeschooler wanted to accomplish and who each homeschooler wanted to become as they worked towards their goals.

Now write them down, carry these quotes with you constantly. Read them and meditate on them whenever there is an opportunity to. At school, play or on the occasional ride with your parents, focus on these three powerful quotes to help change your “BELIEFS” towards what you want to accomplish.

After changing their thought patterns, over time, they will be able to see their beliefs changed for the better towards any outlook on life. The secret is to admit that accomplishing goals involves more than just thinking, but it all begins with your thoughts. The thoughts then trickle down into your actions, as they continue to face other hurdles on a daily basis in goal setting, and a whole new set of thought patterns begins.

Here are the three steps again:

1. Decide to change your way of thinking about a behavior, making it easier for you to think about it. Phrase it in a simple way.

2. Choose a word to focus on to change that behavior for a period of time.

3. Find a minimum of three motivational or inspirational quotes related to that specific word that are powerful enough to change your current thought patterns the moment you read them. Meditate on them and repeat them, silently or out loud, every chance you get – remember, digg deeper.

Be patient. Stick with it. Give it some time – again, digg deeper.

Why do you think video game companies offer a 30-day money back guarantee? They know that if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit and you no longer need to return it! (Learned something, huh?) Give it time.

The first step internet homeschooling students want to accomplish is to change their minds and the thought patterns and beliefs associated with a particular negative behavior. Thoughts are the precursor to action, meaning that thoughts occur before any action takes place. That’s what needs to be changed first. Your thoughts.

It worked for my homeschoolers and I hope this inspires and motivates others to achieve their goals and improve their goal setting efforts.

Just do it.

Choosing the right Wahm Business 4 Homeschooling Moms

Due to the slowly improving economy a lot of high school homeschooling moms are considering working from home, and now there is a set of decisions that must be made. First, high school homeschooling moms must decide whether or not working at home is right for them. Next, high school homeschooling moms need to consider what type of work at home opportunities would fit their already busy schedule. There are many opportunities for Wahms out there, both online and off. Having a successful Wahm career starts with evaluating your own skills and requirements in a job and then finding the right match.

Sometimes the best place to start with your Wahm career is where your out of the home career ended. Many highschool homeschooling moms find that they can become independent contractors in the field that they previously worked in. Highschool homeschooling moms can use their previous work experience as a launching pad for their Wahm career. Some of the ways to use your experience to your advantage are: finding a company that hires people in your field to work from home, using your previous experience to become an “expert” writer in your field or starting a business related to your previous field.

However, some highschool homeschooling moms look at their Wahm careers as a way to break out of their old job. If you’d like to try something completely different, there are plenty of opportunities for entry-level work as an independent contractor. Many of these jobs deal with telephone or online customer service. When you work as a customer service agent from your home, you just need a reliable Internet connection and a working phone. Companies also hire medical transcriptionists, data entry professionals and virtual personal assistants to telecommute.

Another option for starting your own business is offering a service in your community. Florists, professional organizers and hairdressers all have the option of working at home, among many other professions. Of course, starting a business in your community normally means that you’ve had some experience in that field. However, there are some small business ideas that can be started without much experience at all.

Many highschool homeschooling moms turn to the Internet for a source of at home income. The World Wide Web offers a plethora of job opportunities. You can offer your services online as a freelance web designer, writer or virtual assistant. You can also start an online store that sells products that you make yourself or have the rights to resell. Many Wahms establish their businesses online by using one of the popular auction sites, like eBay. Still others find a home in internet marketing, by directing web traffic to a website and then recommending certain products and services.

Decide first what type of job as a highschool homeschooling mom you’d like to do and then work from there. If you are truly a people person and need to get out each day, direct sales or a local service business might be right for you. If you are the type of mom who lives online and is comfortable with the Internet, try finding a job or starting your own business on the web. Just remember your first job is as a highschool homeschooling mom making sure your children have a full compliment of knowledge.

Once you’ve decided what category of job you’d like, do some research on what it takes to be successful at that type of business. If you feel like you are drawn to one particular business or company, then sit on your decision for a week and see how it feels. Imagine what your life will be like as you take on the duties of that job. Most importantly, be realistic with yourself about how much time you can devote to your business. Finding the right match isn’t hard when you thoroughly consider your options.

Kwanzaa Music!!!! Celebrate Kwanzaa!!!

Just saw on Facebook and went to listen and then download a cd full of Kwanzaa music. A refreshing mix of my favorite music – jazz, with a little R&B and even funk. A got to have part of a good Kwanzaa celebration or just listening to celebrate bringing unity to the community!